Elephant Cause

Proudly giving back 5% to The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary 

Elegance that empowers change

Shop our intentional jewellery products that give back to our philanthropy partners across Africa in support of wildlife and nature conservation. We are proud to donate 5% of our sales from the Elephant collection to support the The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary for their work in preserving Elephants in Kenya.

The Elephant Cause

The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is Africa’s first community owned elephant sanctuary situated in Northern Kenya. They rescue, to release. The Sanctuary takes in orphaned and abandoned elephant calves with the aim to release them back into the wild herds adjoining Reteti.

This is the result of a widely recognised and expanding grassroots movement of community-driven conservation across Northern Kenya; a movement that is growing new economies, transforming lives and conserving natural resources.

Between 10 - 25 elephant calves are rescued in Northern Kenya each year. Elephant calves in Northern Kenya are orphaned or abandoned due to drought, man-made wells, human-wildlife conflict and natural mortality. The Sanctuary was established in response to demands from the local community.

The Kenya Wildlife Service and Samburu County Government have promoted the establishment of the new Sanctuary, recognising the wish of the local community to retain their elephants within Samburu County and seeing local communities taking a lead in rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing elephants within their home range.

All their elephant keepers are from the indiginous Samburu Community. The Reteti keepers are all recruited from within Namunyak Conservancy. The Samburu have been living alongside wildlife for thousands of years and have deep respect for elephants with whom they share the land and its resources.

The keepers have been formally trained in the care, rehabilitation and release of elephant calves. Click the link below to learn more about this amazing organisation.

The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary